Money Crazy

Money Crazy

Original title
Fa Qian Han
Action , Comedy , Crime
John Woo
Hong Kong
98 minutes / colored / sound

Ducky is hired by Rich Chen to transport the "diamonds" he stole from Uncle Pai Mary. Uncles Tough Guy and Mary would like to get the diamond from Ducky, so volunteering to relieve Ducky of his responsibility. Somehow Tough Guy subdues the gunman and finds out the diamonds are just paste. Tough Guy and Ducky are now partners and promise Uncle Pai to recover the real diamonds. Many times they try but they get nothing more than trouble. Ducky finally works out a plan to get the real diamonds back to Uncle Pai and sell the fake ones to Rich Chen. Uncle Pai gets his diamonds. Mr. Chen is now known as Poor Chen. Tough Guy gets his cut and, eh, Mary.

Written by allbestmovies

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